So one you want to let team members improve themselves you want them to go ahead and answer these three questions one is the one thing that excites me about this particular opportunity.


Is next is I confess the one thing I'm not so excited about with this particular opportunity is lastly on this project I'd really like to get better at the dot and if you go ahead and get them to do this you'll be able to see what they've excelled at what they want to do what they don't want to do.


Maybe you could go ahead and find someone that actually likes doing what that other person doesn't like to do you basically swap roles now everyone's doing what they love to do and thirdly you go ahead and get them to be self-aware and tell you what they want to get better at.

And then once you're able to get them to a point where they're self-aware of what they want to get better at then that starts a process of themselves improving next is you want to create a process called red teaming.

Basically create a red team that comes up with ideas to disrupt or defeat your proposed plan and the point of this is you won't always be there to catch the holes and problems within a proposed plan and eventually you'll need someone else to do that for you.

And that's why you want to go ahead and create this process called red teaming where your own employees can critique other employees process and you basically want to create a red team of people who are not wedded to the existing plan in any way give them the freedom to think in new ways.

That the planners might not have anticipated next this is very important letting team members improve you you always want to have questions for your employees as a leader you want to ask them what is one thing that I currently do that you like me to continue to do.

What is one thing I don't do frequently enough that you think I should do more often and what is one thing I can do more effectively these are great questions I'm always trying to learn from my employees and get feedback on how I can be a better leader?

And that's sort of where you'll get the best answers you can't really learn a book on leadership if you go ahead and just go directly to employees and be like hey what can I do but as a leader you're going to get the best answers in real-time and this is really really important.

But if you do this too much I found that then employees will think you're too soft and they'll you know take advantage of that so you definitely want to find a fine line based on my experience because when I sort of giving them too much sort of freedom.

 Ask them too many questions and let them critique me too much they get a bit cocky their ego grows a bit next is you want to let your team members self-train so, for example, the New Zealand all blacks rugby team their players lead several practice sessions.


Each week with little input from the coaches the best teams tend to be the ones that weren't too involved that the coaches were needed to be involved with especially when it came to training literally the coaches would be able to disappear and the team would not rely on them at all.


By doing this they get better at figuring out what is needed to do themselves than the coach could ever do so what I should do more often is go on real holidays and say hey seven days don't contact me figure things out-train them to figure things out but two maybe.

I should create like a week like a period of each month where the team no one in the team can contact me for help but the reason I hate that idea is that then after seven days I'll have a backlog of pigs but I think that's not too bad of an idea simulate days splash week really good training exercise.

I want to do that more often basically tell my team hey these three days figure things out on your own and don't have me come back to a backload of issues to clear next is put the power in the employees rather than the managers you want to remove creative power from managers.

And place them onto the employees because employers are the creative people it doesn't make sense it's weird the reason why corporates get too cooperative is that all the creative power goes into these managers who aren't creative or who aren't creatives employers are responsible for coming up.

With their own ideas and pitching them rather than them being assigned by the managers' people on the ground floor, they should be the ones coming up with ideas because they're the ones that are doing that task the next is managers should support the employees.

The teams as they undertake the painful journey of building and executing ideas that's where the manager comes in helps them with execution and building on the idea lastly pretty important to give credit to team members whenever there's an implementable idea immediately announce a change.


On the sort of ship's intercom or like your company group chat giving credit to the idea of the originator I think it's a good idea you should go ahead and apply this idea I got from mary give credit whenever you can employees love credit that's sort of the reason.

Why do a lot of people leave companies because they're not getting recognized and they're not getting credit for their hard work so I'm always trying to remember what an employee is doing um and giving them credit now obviously this can go the bad way.

Where they're getting too again egotistical and they think they're playing a bigger role than they are actually playing as a result they would go ahead and start thinking they could go ahead and push you for raises or think.

They're special and they're the golden employee so that's a downside so you do want to find a good balance but always give credit when possible so yeah that's how you can go ahead and create a company that can grow on its own.